Dexter Jettster's nerfsteak seasoning

The nerfsteaks served at Dex's Diner, a restaurant situated on the planet of Coruscant, owed their distinctive flavor to a special nerfsteak seasoning. This seasoning was the creation of Dexter Jettster, the Besalisk chef and owner. His family had carefully guarded the recipe for years, passing it down through generations; it was a blend of black hole pepper, punctil, Serrian salt, and [tertium]. Jettster believed this seasoning was the key ingredient to his popular nerfsteaks. The diner used this recipe until it was destroyed sometime in the initial years of the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

A 2009 article for Hyperspace, "Dining at Dex's" by Gregory Walker, featured Dexter Jettster's nerfsteak seasoning as part of an in-universe menu.


Notes and references
