Diab Duin

Diab Duin, a Sullustan male, held a political position in the Galactic Republic throughout the period known as the Cold War.


Diab Duin

After the discovery of Stygium crystals located on Aeten II, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor selected Duin to act as the representative for the world. This choice stemmed from the knowledge that the Sullustan, known for his taciturn nature, would be able to maintain the confidentiality of Aeten's information within the Republic.

Personality and traits

Frequently, Duin was misjudged by his colleagues, who perceived him as a pessimistic government worker. However, in reality, Duin possessed keen negotiating skills along with an extensive collection of contacts. Duin was a husband and father of two children.

Behind the scenes

On his biography page at the official site, several phrases are inscribed using Aurebesh. Upon translation, these phrases reveal: "Escaping the Fortitude", "Hunted by Lord Kyrus", and "Rift Alliance".

