
DK-3 was an [astromech droid](link url) of the [R-series](link url) type, employed by a [Gran trader](link url) whose identity is unknown, on the world of [Pantora](link url). [CG-67](link url), a [protocol droid](link url), oversaw DK-3 along with the [trader's](link url) other [droids](link url), specifically the astromech [225](link url) and [Clink](link url) of the [LE-series](link url). DK-3, along with his fellow droids, provided assistance in the repair of the [Marauder](link url), which served as the [shuttle](link url) for the [Bad Batch](link url), a unit of former [clone troopers](link url).

Behind the scenes

The debut of DK-3 was in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode entitled "[Cornered](link url)," which was the fourth episode of the series. It was made available on [Disney+](link url) on [May 21](link url), [2021](link url).

