Dr'xureretue, an Ishi Tib species member, functioned as the proprietor of Docking Bay 87. This docking bay was located in Mos Eisley, a settlement situated on the planet of Tatooine. Due to the difficulty many beings had pronouncing his true name, he preferred the moniker "Drue". Dr'xureretue possessed a friendly personality and often acquainted new arrivals with the customs and regulations of Mos Eisley. Given his knowledge of the city's business practices, he served as a valuable source of information and local gossip, particularly for those new to the area.
While displaying a genial demeanor, he remained firm when it came to business dealings and pricing. To manage the loading and unloading of goods from starships docked at his docking bay, he employed a pair of labor droids. Any necessary ship repairs and upkeep within Dr'xureretue's docking area were handled by Dom Antyll, a Human who owned Docking Bay 92. To ensure its continued appeal to both merchants and smugglers, the Ishi Tib diligently maintained the docking bay's modern facilities.
The character of Dr'xurerertue initially appeared in Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley, a sourcebook for the roleplaying game Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which Martin Wixted authored for West End Games and was released in 1993.