The Dressellian resistance refers to the struggle between the inhabitants of Dressel and the occupying Imperial forces stationed there. The Dressellian people fought to liberate their world.
Almost two hundred years following their initial contact with the Bothans, the people of Dressel found themselves under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. The Empire's objective was to exploit the resources of the Dressellian Asteroid Belt, transforming Dressel itself into a central hub for Imperial mining operations.
Refusing to accept their enslaved status, the Dressellians launched a rebellion against the Imperial presence. With assistance from the Bothans, they acquired weapons and engaged in combat to achieve their liberation.
During this period, the Dressellian Projectile Rifle was manufactured in substantial quantities by both the Dressellians and the Bothans. This weapon played a crucial role in their success in expelling the Imperial forces.
The Rebel Alliance was greatly impressed by the Dressellians' tenacity and determination in their fight against the Empire. As a result, they extended an invitation for the Dressellians to become part of their larger resistance movement. Orrimaarko was among the experienced soldiers who volunteered. Later, this collaboration with the Alliance ultimately led to the Dressellians becoming members of the New Republic.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology
- Orrimaarko in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Stay on Target