
Drex held the title of crimelord within the Gallapraxis system. After Boba Fett eliminated one of Drex's offspring, Gavron Sil, Drex plotted with his other son, Feleen Bantillian, to assassinate the bounty hunter. Drex provided Fett with 50,000 credits as payment to locate and eliminate Feleen, falsely claiming that Feleen was responsible for Gavron's demise. The bounty hunter pursued Feleen, eventually finding him at a derelict droid manufacturing facility located on Vornax, where Feleen revealed his carefully planned ambush and attempted to use his combat droids to kill Fett.

Regrettably for both Drex and Feleen, Fett proved to be more cunning than his targets, returning to claim the agreed-upon bounty from the utterly surprised crimelord. He then presented Drex with Feleen's severed head, which, unbeknownst to Drex, contained a concealed thermal detonator that resulted in Drex's death.

