Droids Defiant

"Droids Defiant" is a role-playing game module penned by Thomas Bowling and featured in issue number 9 of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. This is a roleplaying adventure.

Plot summary

Following a surge of privateer actions targeting Cosmohaul Shipping, an executive at Cosmohaul conceived a plan: employ inexpensive mercenaries to protect their cargo. These mercenaries are subsequently employed on the Argent Lady, a vessel transporting a collection of R5-series astromech droid. Unbeknownst to the mercenaries, Xalto Sneerzick, the captain of the ship, and his crew were secretly members of the Droid Abolitionist Movement. During the voyage, they covertly uploaded a virus to the R5 droids, aiming to disrupt their programming and grant them autonomy. However, a flaw emerged within some of the R5 units, leading them to turn against their would-be liberators and eliminate the crew of the Argent Lady. Subsequently, the mercenaries were forced to flee from the Cutlass, an Imperial Patrol Ship that intercepted their course and demanded the ship shut down its systems for what they called a 'standard inspection.'
