
Drop the sack Paploo and Wicket W. Warrick, both Ewoks, are getting ready for a session of drop-the-sack.

Drop-the-sack, a pastime enjoyed by young Ewoks, involved two opposing groups: those dropping and those being targeted. The droppers would fill several sacks with mud and ascend high into the trees, holding their muddy payload. Simultaneously, the targets would affix bullseyes to their backs, making themselves easier to hit. The goal for the droppers was to successfully strike the targets with the mud-filled sacks, effectively covering them in dirt. Conversely, the target players aimed to traverse the field without being struck by any of the descending sacks.

It was common for older Ewoks to look down upon the game, viewing it as a frivolous and childish activity; in fact, it faced prohibition. Nevertheless, this game gave Wicket Wystri Warrick and his companions the idea to use airdropped sacks filled with magic foam as a means to combat a large forest fire ignited by Morag.

