DSH-3 probe droid

After the success of the DRK-1, Arakyd Industries expanded the line to provide an alternative model with expanded capabilities. The resulting DSH-3 resembled its DRK-1 predecessor, and was small, compact, and spherical. Capable of quickly and quietly traversing a large amount of terrain in a short period of time (and recording every detail as it did so), the DSH-3 relied on many of the same systems, sensors, and equipment of the old DRK-1. The DSH-3 lacked its predecessor's black stealth shell, however, as Arakyd failed to receive the authorization to do so—instead the DSH-3 sported a dark grey-green shell.

Despite its lack of stealth coating, the DSH-3 was known to have excellent stealth programming and was exceedingly stealthy and easily hidden; its small and compact construction allowed it to hide itself in places other probe droids could not, and the droid was fully capable of sneaking past enemies undetected and creating diversions to aid in hiding itself. The sensor capabilities of the DSH-3 allowed it to track and identify targets at range, with it being rare for a DSH-3 or its master to be surprised or ambushed. The DSH-3 possessed a degree of personality and thought, and was capable of understanding basic and speaking binary.


After the success of the DRK-1, Arakyd Industries expanded the line to provide an alternative model with expanded capabilities. The resulting DSH-3 resembled its DRK-1 predecessor, and was small, compact, and spherical. Capable of quickly and quietly traversing a large amount of terrain in a short period of time (and recording every detail as it did so), the DSH-3 relied on many of the same systems, sensors, and equipment of the old DRK-1. The DSH-3 lacked its predecessor's black stealth shell, however, as Arakyd failed to receive the authorization to do so—instead the DSH-3 sported a dark grey-green shell.

Despite its lack of stealth coating, the DSH-3 was known to have excellent stealth programming and was exceedingly stealthy and easily hidden; its small and compact construction allowed it to hide itself in places other probe droids could not, and the droid was fully capable of sneaking past enemies undetected and creating diversions to aid in hiding itself. The sensor capabilities of the DSH-3 allowed it to track and identify targets at range, with it being rare for a DSH-3 or its master to be surprised or ambushed. The DSH-3 possessed a degree of personality and thought, and was capable of understanding basic and speaking binary.


  • The Unknown Regions
