Duel in Bentho's Nightclub

A swift confrontation transpired in 21 BBY. It involved the Jedi known as Anakin Skywalker and the Dark Acolyte named Trenox.

The duel

Anakin Skywalker pursued Trenox, eventually locating him within the shady establishment called Bentho's Nightclub on Coruscant. Following confirmation of Trenox's presence inside from Dexter Jettster, Skywalker faced Trenox, demanding his surrender. Incensed, Trenox retorted that Skywalker had no authority over him, and initiated an assault. He used his forceful lightsaber techniques to drive Skywalker backward. Following a short, unspecified engagement, Trenox disengaged and fled, intending to strike the Jedi Temple, leaving Skywalker to navigate through the docking bays.

