Durren, a terrestrial world situated close to the boundary dividing the Meridian and Antemeridian sectors, served as the location for the New Republic's naval installation within the Meridian sector. This planet is classified as a planet.
Following the fall of the Grissmath Dynasty, control of Durren was transferred to the Durren Central Planetary Council, an organization comprised of representatives from the six dominant religious groups on the world. During this era, the inhabitants of Durren had positioned the Republic's shipyard station, known as Durren Orbital, into orbit around their planet. By 13 ABY, the planet was integrated into the New Republic. In that year, hyperdrive engineer Seti Ashgad initiated a revolt targeting the Durren Central Planetary Council. He also orchestrated pirate raids on Ampliquen to lure the Republic battle cruisers Caelus and Corbantis away from Durren. This strategy proved effective, leading to both vessels becoming contaminated with the Death Seed plague. Subsequently, the cruisers Courane and Fireater were dispatched from Durren to investigate the Death Seed outbreak that had occurred on Cybloc XII.