Dwarf Star-class freighter

The Dwarf Star-class freighter served as a frequently seen cargo transport during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


With a length of 150 meters, the Dwarf Star-class freighter, a design and product of Rendili StarDrive, had the capability to haul a maximum of 1,500 metric tons of freight and required a crew complement of 400 individuals. The ship's design incorporated a curved hull, characterized by a bow that was bulged, gradually narrowing towards the stern, where it widened again to accommodate the engine compartment. The standard configuration included nine quad laser cannons positioned along the ship's central section, in addition to a single tractor beam projector.

Due to its favorable ratio of size to cargo capacity, and its pre-installed armaments, this vessel type gained considerable traction with both traders engaged in short-distance routes and those involved in smuggling activities. However, despite possessing weaponry, the Dwarf Star-class's shields were vulnerable, capable of being disabled by only eight hits from proton torpedo ordnance, rendering its defensive capabilities adequate for fending off minor attacks but ineffective against a full-scale military engagement.

