Dwomutsiqsa, a term signifying "Summon Demon" in the ancient Sith tongue, represented an age-old Sith spell. Its purpose was to call forth a physical embodiment of the dark side, specifically the entity referred to as the Smoke Demon.
Dwomutsiqsa, an archaic Sith rite, was recorded on ancient scrolls. By performing this incantation, the spellcaster would focus ambient air and energy to materialize a nightmarish entity called the Smoke Demon. Lacking a fixed appearance, this being would morph into the embodiment of its target's deepest anxieties.
If recited by an incautious individual, the spell unleashed a wave of dark energy, acting as a protective measure against those attempting to decipher the secrets held within the scrolls.
Sorzus Syn, one of the twelve esteemed Jedi who faced exile from the Jedi Order in the wake of the Hundred-Year Darkness, discovered a scroll containing the Dwomutsiqsa on the planet of Korriban. Within a record detailing her interactions with the Sith species, she included a fragment of the complete translation.