E-11b blaster rifle

The BlasTech E-11b blaster rifle represented a high-quality, costly overhaul of the standard E-11 blaster rifle utilized by Imperial stormtroopers throughout the Galactic Civil War. Notably, the E-11 was designed with inspiration from the DC-15 series employed during the Clone Wars. Rebel soldiers, particularly those participating in the Battle of Endor, frequently wielded these weapons.

The BlasTech E-11 in its original form was both powerful and lightweight, and its widespread deployment by Imperial troops meant that it existed in vast quantities. However, its flaws included a tendency towards inaccuracy and overheating. The BlasTech E-11b, modified by skilled BlasTech and SoroSuub armorers who had abandoned the Empire for the Rebel Alliance, was improved primarily through the incorporation of costly cooling mechanisms, which reduced the likelihood of these blaster rifles overheating when fired at higher rates.

Both the standard E-11 and the enhanced E-11b measured 438mm in length when the folding stock was collapsed, although the E-11b was generally observed with the stock extended. The E-11 in its original configuration had a weight of 2.6 kilograms. Positioned on the left side of the action housing, above the trigger, the power cell housing was designed for a streamlined appearance. The initial E-11's plasma gas cartridges had the capacity for more than 500 shots, while the power cells provided approximately 100 shots, contingent on the selected setting.

