The Ebon Fleet comprised over sixty airships and served as the combat force for the Lost Tribe of Sith. They utilized it to journey from their homeland of Keshtah and attack Alanciar, the continent situated to their east, circa 2975 BBY. Each fleet vessel was sustained in the air via massive gasbags filled with hydrogen. For movement, they employed flying creatures called uvaks attached to each ship. The concept for the fleet originated with Varner Hilts, the Human Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of the Sith, subsequent to his discovery of a map indicating Alanciar's existence on the planet Kesh, where his forebears had crash-landed centuries ago. Edell Vrai, another Sith, engineered the ships, while Korsin Bentado was in charge of the whole fleet. Upon the fleet's arrival at Alanciar, the Alanciari, who were Keshiri natives, destroyed the airships by puncturing the gasbags utilizing flaming lances. Yaru functioned as the flagship of the Ebon Fleet, with Korsin Bentado as its captain. Good Omen was also a member of the Ebon Fleet, transporting Grand Lord Varner Hilts.