Electro-photo receptor

The Electro-photo receptor was a straightforward sensor that utilized a combination of ordinary, ultraviolet, and infrared light. This light was used to generate an image of the intended target, regardless of whether it was a two-dimensional representation or a holographic one. The distance at which the sensor could detect objects was, in part, dictated by the physical dimensions of its receptor. Larger receptor dishes enabled detection across more extended distances. EPRs were also used alongside targeting sensors to produce a visual representation of the targeted object on the display viewed by the gunner.

Examples of these included the Tana Ire Electro-Photo Receptor. This receptor was integrated with a Melihat "Multi Imager" dedicated energy receptor and a Fabritech ANs-5d "lock track" full-spectrum transceiver within what was known as the Carbanti transceiver package.


  • Star Wars: Card Trader (Set: Blueprints, Card: X-wing Starfighter) (Initially identified as an Electro-photo receptor)

Notes and references
