Emitter nozzle

Emitter nozzles functioned as parts found in blaster armaments. These nozzles, which came in diverse forms, were situated at the termination of the weapon's barrel. Emitter nozzles were employed by a range of blasters, including blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy blaster pistols, and sporting blasters. Within sporting blasters, for instance the Defender sporting blaster pistol, a galven ring existed inside the nozzle; its purpose was to aid in keeping the blaster bolt intact while firing. The emitter nozzles present on a remote, like the Marksman-H combat remote, could be adjusted to emit stun blasts, concentrated air, harmless gases, beams of light, and intense sound attacks.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
  • The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

Notes and references
