Emperor's Royal Guard battle language

Imperial Guardsman Kir Kanos utilized "Kenix Kil" as his designation within the battle language of the Guard. The battle language of the Emperor's Royal Guard was a language exclusively comprehended by members of the Emperor's Royal Guard.

Its security was guaranteed by its exclusivity to Guardsmen; transmissions via comlink were secure because even if the Rebels managed to decrypt the frequency, no existing database contained the phrases. Not even Palpatine or Darth Vader could decipher it. Following the elimination of most of the Guard, Kir Kanos adopted "Kenix Kil," a battle language anagram of his true name, as a secret identity.

Tav Kennede stands out as the sole individual outside the Guard known to possess knowledge of this language.

Known phrases

  • "Kenix Kil" (Kanos' alias, an anagram of "Kir Kanos" in the battle language.)

