Fa'ale Leh

Fa'ale Leh was a Twi'lek of the Lethan variety, and a female. Employed as a pilot by the Sienar Advanced Projects Labratory, she personally piloted the Scimitar to Darth Maul. Following the subsequent deaths of her team, she escaped across the Tingel Arm, going to Ryloth, Nar Shaddaa, and ultimately Naos III. Assuming the alias Genne, she remained in hiding from 29 to 19 BBY, developing into an alcoholic who collected sharptooth specimens. Her location was discovered by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi shortly before a team of assassins arrived. Despite losing her right lek (a single strand of her lekku), the Jedi rescued her from Naos and also extracted information regarding the delivery location of Maul's ship: The Works.

