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title: Reworded MDX Example description: This is a demonstration of rephrasing MDX content while keeping the original meaning.

Reworded MDX Example

Let's examine an example of MDX content. We will reword it to demonstrate how to change the phrasing significantly while preserving the original semantic meaning.

Original Sentence

This is the original sentence that we will be rephrasing. It's a simple statement for demonstration purposes.

Reworded Sentence

Here is the altered version of the preceding sentence. Notice how the words are different, but the underlying meaning is the same.

Code Example

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

The code block above illustrates a simple JavaScript function. It takes two arguments and returns their sum.

Image Example

This is an example of how to include an image in MDX. The image source is specified, along with alternative text.

Here's a link to Google. You can click it to navigate to the Google website.

title: MDX Example, But Said Differently
description: An exercise in rephrasing MDX material, ensuring the initial meaning is maintained.

# MDX Example, But Said Differently

Consider the following MDX example. We will rephrase it to show how to alter the wording substantially while keeping the initial semantic meaning unchanged.

## Original Sentence

The sentence presented here is the initial sentence slated for rephrasing. It serves as a straightforward statement for illustration.

## Reworded Sentence

Below is the modified rendition of the sentence shown previously. Observe that the words are not the same, but the core meaning is identical.

## Code Example

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

The code segment shown above provides an example of a basic JavaScript function. It accepts two inputs and gives back their total.

Image Example

This serves as an illustration of incorporating an image within MDX. The image's location is defined, accompanied by descriptive alternative text.

Presented here is a link to Google. Clicking it will take you to the Google website.
