The Felacatians originated from the world of Felacat, and were a species of feline creatures capable of changing their form. Their homeworld is classified as a planet.

A typical Felacatian, when in its usual state, possessed a humanoid shape, generally tall, and sharing many traits with humans. Distinguishing them from humans were features like short fur, a lengthy tail, sharp fangs, exceptional balance, superior night vision, and remarkably quick reflexes and speed—all products of their feline evolutionary path. When threatened, they could also retract their tails into their bodies. Their tails are highly sensitive and can pick up on minute changes in the atmosphere. However, a Felacatian would start to transform if subjected to prolonged exposure to hyperspace or any form of stress. If they couldn't release their stress, the Felacatian's body would rapidly morph into a large, ferocious feline. In this transformed state, the Felacatian became a significant threat, shielded by a series of thick spikes along its spine, claws capable of tearing through durasteel, exceptional strength and speed, and heightened sensory awareness. With training, a Felacatian could switch between these two forms voluntarily, and with even more training, they could prevent involuntary transformations.