Felucian warrior

A Felucian warrior

The role of Felucian warrior was fulfilled by the soldiers belonging to the Felucian species.


The inhabitants of Felucia's vast fungal jungles were unique beings, often perceived as primitive and savage in their lifestyle. Despite lacking advanced technological development, they thrived in their environment due to their inherent connection with the Force.

While not as strong as a well-trained Jedi, they possessed the ability to manipulate the Force to influence and control their surroundings. This even enabled them to tame formidable creatures like the powerful rancors within the jungles.

They could utilize these abilities to launch small spheres or compressed air at targets, capable of stunning or even killing their prey. Additionally, they mastered the art of infusing their brutal jawbone weapons with a portion of their Force powers, enhancing their strength and damage potential. This also served as a more effective defense against weapons like lightsabers.

Like the majority of their kind, the warriors possessed the skill to blend seamlessly into their environment and crawl along almost any surface, enabling them to ambush prey from practically any location.


A multitude of warriors attempted to defend Jedi Master Shaak Ti from Darth Vader's assassin. However, they were ultimately defeated and killed. Following the Jedi's death, they permitted Marek to depart from their planet.

At a later time, they endeavored to shield Shaak Ti's Padawan Maris Brood from the returning Marek, who had arrived on their world to liberate Bail Prestor Organa. Nevertheless, they proved unable to overcome the former Sith assassin.

