Fenner's rock

Fenner's Rock, a creature resembling a rock, received its designation from Rivoc Fenner, a xenobiologist. These beings utilized two limbs to propel themselves, typically found atop rocks and in regions abundant with moss and lichen, which constituted their diet, consumed via their teeth made of cartilage. Initially thought to be incapable of communication, it was later discovered that they congregated with other "rocks" for the purpose of what appeared to be "singing". Across the majority of planets where they resided, they were regarded as pests due to their rapid reproduction, which posed a threat to the obstruction of natural watercourses, and their role in disseminating somewhat hazardous bacteria.

Behind the scenes

The name of this creature once appeared with an incorrect spelling, rendered as "Fetter's rock."


  • Creatures of the Galaxy (Initial mention)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
