Wicket Wystri Warrick is seen taking Wiley along with Nippet to go fishing.
Across the galaxy, various cultures and factions engaged in fishing, a way to procure aquatic fish for food. On planets abundant in water, this was a particularly common harvesting method, as seen on Naboo, the Forest Moon of Endor, and numerous others. While many civilizations employed fishing pole variations or claw-like tools for catching fish, more rudimentary societies, such as the Gungans, utilized Glurrgs to dive and seize their aquatic prey.
Qui-Gon Jinn also imparted fishing skills to Wookiee settlers on Alaris Prime, enabling them to gather sustenance from the wilderness. Large-scale fishing, sufficient to sustain an entire colony, was achievable through the use of labor droids collecting fish near the shore or via utility trawlers operating in deeper waters.