Reworded MDX Example
This is a demonstration of how to reword an MDX document while keeping the original meaning. The goal is to change the wording significantly, but without altering the core message.
Here's an example of an image:

And here's some code:
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
Finally, here's a link to Google.
title: "MDX Example, Now Restated"
description: "A rephrased MDX document, maintaining its original intent."
# MDX Example, Now Restated
This serves as an illustration of how to rephrase an MDX document, ensuring the initial meaning is preserved. The objective involves making substantial alterations to the phrasing, all while upholding the central idea.
Behold, an image example:
<InsImage src="/images/example.png" alt="Example Image"></InsImage>
And now, some code for your consideration:
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
In conclusion, a Google link is provided here.