
title: Reworded MDX Example description: An example of reworded MDX content, keeping all meaning intact.

Reworded MDX Example

Let's examine an example of MDX content that has been rephrased. The goal is to maintain the original meaning while significantly altering the wording.

Consider this initial sentence: "This is a basic example of how to include images in your MDX documents."

A possible rephrasing could be: "Here's a simple illustration demonstrating image integration within MDX files."

Here's a code block example:

function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;


This code block could be rewritten as:

function sayHello(personName) {
  return "Hello, " + personName + "!";


Here's an image example:

Links can also be reworded:

Original: Learn more about MDX

Reworded: Explore the MDX documentation
