
title: "Understanding MDX" description: "Learn the basics of MDX and how to use it in your projects."

Diving into the World of MDX

MDX is an innovative authoring format that lets you seamlessly blend Markdown's simplicity with the dynamic power of JSX. This fusion enables you to incorporate interactive components and sophisticated layouts directly within your Markdown content.

Core Concepts

Let's explore some fundamental ideas behind MDX.


MDX allows you to import and render React components directly within your Markdown.

import MyComponent from './MyComponent'

<MyComponent name="MDX" />

This capability opens doors to creating dynamic and interactive documentation, blog posts, and more.

JSX Expressions

You can embed JSX expressions directly within your Markdown using curly braces {}.

{new Date().toLocaleDateString()}

This allows you to inject dynamic values and calculations into your content.

Markdown Syntax

MDX fully supports standard Markdown syntax, including headings, lists, links, and images.

# Heading

- Item 1
- Item 2

[My Website](https://example.com)

![Alt text](image.jpg)

You can continue to use familiar Markdown elements while leveraging the added power of JSX.

Benefits of Using MDX

  • Dynamic Content: Integrate interactive components and data-driven elements.
  • Reusability: Create reusable components for consistent styling and functionality.
  • Flexibility: Combine Markdown's simplicity with JSX's expressiveness.

Getting Started

To begin using MDX, you'll need to install the necessary packages and configure your build process. Refer to the official MDX documentation for detailed instructions.

Example: A Simple Counter

Here's a basic example of an MDX file with a React counter component:

import { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
 const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

 return (
 <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
 Count: {count}

<Counter />

This demonstrates how you can create interactive elements directly within your MDX content.


You can also use next/image in MDX. src="/images/posts/getting-started-with-mdx/cover.jpeg" alt="MDX Cover" width= height=>


MDX provides a powerful and flexible way to create dynamic and engaging content. By combining the simplicity of Markdown with the power of JSX, you can build interactive documentation, blog posts, and more.
