
title: Reworded MDX Example description: An example MDX file that has been reworded.

Welcome to the Reworded MDX Example!

This is an example MDX file. It is designed to show how to reword content while preserving its original meaning.

Here's an example of an image:

Here's an example of a code block:

function greet(name) {
 return `Hello, ${name}!`;


You can also include links, like this one to Google.

Let's explore some more advanced MDX features.

  • List item one
  • List item two

This is a blockquote.

And finally, here's a horizontal rule:

This concludes the reworded MDX example. Hopefully, it demonstrates the principles effectively.

title: A New MDX Sample
description: A sample MDX file, rewritten to convey the same ideas.

# Greetings! This is the Rewritten MDX Sample!

This MDX file serves as a demonstration. Its purpose is to illustrate how to rephrase content while keeping the original intent intact.

Check out this image as an illustration:

<InsImage src="/images/example.png" alt="Example Image"></InsImage>

Here's a code snippet as an example:

function greet(name) {
 return "Hello, " + name + "!";


You're able to add hyperlinks, for example, here's a link to Google.

Now, let's delve into additional, more complex MDX capabilities.

  • The first item in a list
  • The second item in a list

This represents a quoted section.

To finish, observe this horizontal line:

This wraps up the rewritten MDX sample. Ideally, it showcases the concepts in a clear manner.
