A computer terminal
A computer terminal served as a gateway to a computer's central processing unit, enabling data exchange. Various devices, including scomp links and rank cylinders, could interface with these terminals through a wall socket. Notably, astromech droids were particularly adept at utilizing them, although MSE-6-series repair droids also had some maintenance access points. At Yavin, a specific terminal was connected via cable to R2-D2, facilitating the download of crucial Death Star plans. On the original Death Star, R2-D2 accessed a computer terminal to sabotage Garbage Compactor 3263827. Furthermore, on Bespin, the central computer of Cloud City informed R2-D2 about the deactivation of the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive.
Another type of computer terminal was designed for use by humanoids, featuring an interface for displaying information and accepting input via fingers or other methods, depending on the terminal's design. Obi-Wan Kenobi famously employed such a terminal to disable a tractor beam on the Death Star I's main reactor, thereby enabling the Millennium Falcon's successful escape.