The TIE Advanced x1 starfighter piloted by Darth Vader was equipped with a targeting computer.
A target device, also referred to as a targeting computer or fire control computer, was a piece of equipment installed on starships. It was used to give assistance to pilots when they were aiming their weapons. A target was deemed to be in a vulnerable state when it lined up with the gun-sights' electronic crosshairs on the targeting computer.
These systems were able to be enhanced by upgrading them to advanced targeting computers.

The physical size of these devices was related to the power of the weapon that was being targeted. Smaller targeting computers would be found on single-pilot starfighters, whereas much larger targeting computers were used to assist in aiming turbolasers.
These computers created a digital representation of the combat area from the pilot's perspective, and they used various sensors to pinpoint the location of enemy forces. The crosshairs showed the predicted path of ranged weaponry, whether laser cannon bolts or other projectiles, and the computer would also highlight enemy targets such as fighters, turrets, tanks, or other targets once they were within firing range.