Firegems, alternatively known as fire-gems, were gemstones of extreme brilliance and were highly valued on the black market. This made them a very attractive source of income for numerous smugglers.
Among the purchasers of firegems were the Corellian smugglers Dubrak Qennto, Jorj Car'das, and Maris Ferasi, who was the owner of the smuggling vessel Bargain Hunter. While they were engaged in smuggling firegems along the edges of the Outer Rim, they found themselves pursued by the ship belonging to Progga the Hutt. However, a frontier patrol force of the Chiss Ascendancy's Expansionary Fleet, under the command of Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, intercepted them. They proceeded to destroy Progga's ship, seize the Hunter, and take its crew into custody.
The constant vibration of the firegem's molecular structure generated heat, causing the gems to feel warm to the touch. Criminal and terrorist groups discovered that placing a firegem near a hyperdrive reactor caused an adverse reaction due to the gem's vibration. This reaction resulted in the reactor exploding when the ship jumped into hyperspace. Consequently, both the Old Republic and the New Order outlawed them.
- Progga the Hutt [2]
- Jorj Car'das [2]
- Dubrak Qennto [2]
- Maris Ferasi [2]
- Mitth'raw'nuruodo [2]
- Shasheva Astopone