The attire of the First Order's military members featured a tunic with a tall collar, breeches that widened at the hips, and boots that reached the knees. A polished-buckle belt, code cylinders, black leather gloves, and a crested command cap rounded out the accessories. A greatcoat crafted from gaberwool was also part of the parade dress.
Rank was indicated through a braided band on the left cuff, along with the uniform's color: Charcoal grey was the shade for Generals and Admirals, teal signified senior officers, and light grey was worn by junior officers. Lighter, black duty uniforms without belts were donned by non-commissioned officers, such as Petty Officers, chief petty officers, and certain military technicians.
These uniforms represented modernized iterations of the Galactic Empire's uniforms, enhanced with contemporary improvements and adjustments that emphasized practicality over comfort.