Fivelines was a droid who lived on the planet of Ronyards. During the Galactic Civil War, Ronyards was primarily used as a massive junkyard for broken, outdated, and non-functional droids. Fivelines, a rare exception, continued to function after being dumped on Ronyards. "Brother" Fivelines rose to become the head of a droid cult. This cult revered the planet, convinced that the countless droid parts scattered across Ronyards' landscape had coalesced into a sentient deity. Fivelines remained steadfast in his faith until his demise. He was ultimately destroyed by a group of Imperial stormtroopers who had landed on Ronyards to mine its metal resources for the war. In a possible confirmation of his beliefs, Fivelines' destruction triggered a powerful eruption from deep within the planet, obliterating the stormtroopers and their Star Destroyer.