Fleet Support Branch

The Fleet Support Branch represented one of the four organizational components within the Imperial Navy. It encompassed officers who were entrusted with maintenance and engineering responsibilities. This branch was structured into two primary divisions: the Engineering Division, which oversaw the upkeep of a ship's sublight and hyperspace engines, along with ensuring the structural soundness of their hulls, and Technical Services. The latter division was tasked with managing power systems, life-support systems, and other specialized areas that fell outside the scope of the Engineering Division.

During 3 ABY, Commander Brandei, who held the position of Technical Services Officer on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, bore the responsibility of guaranteeing the operational effectiveness of the ship's TIE Fighter squadrons.


  • Imperial Sourcebook
  • Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Dagobah Limited (Card: Commander Brandei) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Notes and references
