FLR-series Logger Droid

The FLR Logger, alternatively known as the FLR-series Logger Droid or the Lumberdroid, represented an environmental droid crafted by Industrial Automaton specifically for the Greel Wood Logging Corporation. The crimson timber sourced from Greel trees held immense value within the extravagant tastes of the wealthy elite. Notably, Pii III and Pii IV were the exclusive planets within the galaxy capable of sustaining greel tree growth. Pii IV, with its undulating landscape, presented an ideal environment for the lumber droids' operation. Despite its original purpose, its utility expanded rapidly, leading to its widespread adoption for felling diverse tree species throughout the galaxy.


An FLR Logger droid

The initial FLR Logger design proposed by Industrial Automaton failed to garner approval from various executives representing different lumber enterprises. In an attempt to satisfy all parties, Industrial Automaton developed a revised design that ultimately pleased none. Nevertheless, it proved functional in fulfilling its intended task.

Despite its shortcomings, including slow operation, frequent malfunctions, and challenging repair procedures, the Lumberdroid remained in use across numerous planets. The machine featured a substantial frame, equipped with two arms and a pair of retractable visual receptors. Its height reached two meters. Each arm incorporated a saw: one designated for clearing undergrowth, while the other served to fell trees. In instances of droid damage, an emergency siren would activate, alerting sentients present in the vicinity.

This droid was equipped with a probability projection computer, enabling it to calculate electronically the trajectory, timing, and location of tree falls.


  • " The Greel Wood Haven " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
  • Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids (identified as FLR-series Logger Droid)
  • The Essential Guide to Droids
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 44 (LOG 1-2: FLR Logger)
  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (identified as FLR series Logger Droid)

Notes and references
