Freon Drevan's bootlegging business

The Xexto Freon Drevan, a con artist from Xexto, ran a bootlegging business on the planet Troiken prior to 32 BBY. Although possessing the necessary licenses, the business manufactured and sold counterfeit goods. Upon the promotion of fellow Xexto Niai Fieso to his team, they broadened their scope to include smuggling. Fieso then stole credits and betrayed Drevan to the authorities, resulting in Drevan's imprisonment following a raid and the revocation of his business permit. Drevan escaped the Troiken system prior to his capture.


  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Coruscant Limited (Card: Freon Drevan) (backup link) (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only)
  • "Behind the story - Niai Fieso" — The chronicles of a writer — Sander de Lange's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. I ("Drevan, Freon," "Fieso, Niai")
  • Fieso, Niai in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
