
Frix held the position of Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic. The chancellery of Frix, together with those of their subsequent leaders Kalpana and Finis Valorum, permitted the decay of the Galactic Republic to persist, fueled by a sluggish bureaucracy and unchecked political malfeasance. During a gathering on Serenno, Count Dooku informed Hego Damask, the Muun secretly known as Darth Plagueis, that Frix was slated to take over from the incumbent Chancellor, a transition that eventually occurred.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Chancellor Frix appeared in the article titled Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, authored by Nathan O'Keefe and released through Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club. Within the article's endnotes, O'Keefe revealed that Frix's designation served as an homage to the Rebel pilot Grizz Frix, envisioning a possible familial connection between the two characters, while leaving the determination of such a relationship to future storytellers.

