Fulin Gor

Fulin Gor was a male Human hailing from the planet Iotra. Throughout much of the Galactic Civil War, he served as a member of the Iotran Police Force. His main duty involved operating outside of Iotra, tracking down and capturing criminals throughout the galaxy, and then bringing them back to Iotran Space to face justice.


After the New Republic was securely in place, Gor was selected and funded by his government to become a New Republic Observer. These agents were carefully chosen for their integrity and objectivity, tasked with examining potentially corrupt activities within the government. Gor's assignment was the Corellian sector, a region separate from his own to minimize any potential bias. In this sector, he traveled extensively, disguising himself as a merchant dealing in exotic woods. His investigations took him into the shady underbelly of Coronet City, and he closely monitored the development of the Hunchuzuc Den on Selonia. He gained considerable expertise in Selonian matters, and he directly reported any breaches of New Republic regulations to the Senate and the High Council.

As a dedicated supporter of the New Republic, Gor aligned himself with various reputable organizations during the Yuuzhan Vong War to fight against the alien invaders. He was willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure their ultimate defeat.

Gor demonstrated skill in using a variety of weaponry, including stun batons, blasters, and blaster rifles.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds (First mentioned)
