A funeral is a ritual performed to commemorate the [burial](link url) or [cremation](link url) of a [person who has died](link url). It was common for those in mourning to wear somber or plain clothing to demonstrate their grief and sorrow over the passing of the individual, a practice observed by [Padmé Amidala](link url)'s [parents](link url) and [sister](link url) at her [funeral](link url), as well as by non-Jedi individuals attending the services for Knights and Masters.

[Members of the Jedi Order](link url) observed simple funeral rites within the Jedi Temple, reflecting their lack of fear of death and disregard for material possessions. [Jedi](link url) in attendance wore their [standard everyday clothing](link url), while non-Jedi guests, including those of high standing, donned modest attire as a sign of respect. The body of the deceased was placed within a casket, which was then lowered and secured in a designated space beneath the floor. Subsequently, a radiant light would emerge from a circular aperture in the seal, symbolizing the departed's ascension.

On [Ferrix](link url), respected citizens and members of the [Daughters of Ferrix](link url) were honored with public funerals conducted in the streets of the [city](link url). Prior to the ceremony, the deceased's body underwent cremation, with the ashes then combined with mortar and Ferrix dust to create a [funerary stone](link url). This stone was inscribed with the individual's name, as well as their [date](link url) of [birth](link url) and [death](link url) in [Bazeese script](link url). On the day of the funeral, the stone would be entrusted to a close individual, typically a family member or a close friend if a family member was not available. This appointed individual, accompanied by the Daughters of Ferrix, [Honor Guards](link url) and the Honor Guard band, would then lead a procession of Ferrix citizens from the deceased's residence along [Rix Road](link url) to [Fountain Square](link url), where a holorecording of their "Truth" was publicly broadcast. Musical pieces such as "Forming Up", "Unto Stone We Are" and "To The Sky" would be performed by the band during the procession, and bystanders would pause and stand to show their respect. Upon arrival at the Square, the procession would gather around the [holoprojector](link url) that was broadcasting the Truth, while chanting "Stone and Sky"; silence would then fall upon the crowd as the deceased's words "lifted" them. Following the ceremony, the funerary stone was placed in a city wall, symbolically representing the deceased "giving their body to support those who remain".