Fw'Sen-class picket ship

The Fw'sen-class picket ships functioned as diminutive gunships within the military forces of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Their primary function involved neutralizing enemy spacecraft and providing protection for Ssi-ruuvi fleets. However, their fragile construction and substandard shielding often led to their deployment in suicidal assaults.


Fw'Sen schematics.

Each Fw'sen-class picket ship required a crew consisting of thirteen P'w'ecks and six enteched servant droids. Nevertheless, Ssi-ruuk cruisers typically piloted these ships remotely. This capability for remote operation, alongside the decision to prioritize shield generators over robust hull armor, underscored the Ssi-ruuvi's willingness to sacrifice these picket ships when strategically advantageous.

Similar to other Ssi-Ruuvi spacecraft, the Fw'sen-class exhibited an ovoid shape characterized by overlapping shell plating. Additionally, it possessed four small wings to ensure stability during flight within an atmosphere.


During both the Bakura Incident and the subsequent Invasion of Bakura, the Ssi-Ruuk deployed a total of twenty Fw'sen-class picket ships. In the initial engagement, Imperial forces destroyed five of these vessels. An additional eight were lost during the culminating battle of Bakura. Only three managed to escape alongside the remaining Ssi-Ruuk fleet, while four fell into enemy hands. Years afterward, Fw'sen-class picket ships participated in a second invasion of Bakura.

Behind the scenes

The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook specifies the ship's length as 45 meters, whereas The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates a length of 50 meters. These two sources also present conflicting information regarding the picket ship's weaponry. The former details the armament as comprising a pair of bow-mounted laser cannons, fin- and keel-mounted turbolasers, and six ion cannons. The latter publication omits the Super-Charged Turbolaser batteries from the written description, although they are still included in the blueprints.

