Fynn Torve served within the organization led by Talon Karrde, which specialized in smuggling.
Having been a Corellian acquaintance of both Han Solo and Lando Calrissian during their time as smugglers, Fynn Torve, similar to Solo, found himself in debt to Jabba the Hutt; however, he managed to secure his release by obtaining a loan from Talon Karrde. Subsequently, Torve became a devoted member of Karrde's crew, piloting the ship known as the Etherway. While Han and Lando sought Karrde, they were instructed to meet Torve on Abregado-rae. Han found Torve deeply engrossed in a game of sabacc while in hiding, and informed him that the security forces of Abregado-rae had seized and inspected the Etherway. To facilitate his escape from the LoBue Cantina, Torve instructed his contact, an unidentified reverend for whom he smuggled food, to initiate a distraction.