G (unit)

The G, a measure of acceleration, illustrates the forces at play. To illustrate, when turning, the missiles propelled from an HMP droid gunship could be subjected to accelerations exceeding 10,000 G. The peak acceleration capability of a TIE Advanced x1 reached 4,150 G, whereas the TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter could achieve a slightly higher 4,280 G.

Behind the scenes

Within the Star Wars IncrediBuilds booklets, the value given in Gs is identified as a craft's "maximum speed." Conversely, the TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual, a more recent publication, defines this same value as "maximum acceleration."


  • Star Wars: TIE Fighter Deluxe Book and Model Set
  • Star Wars: Millennium Falcon Deluxe Book and Model Set
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Deluxe Book and Model Set
  • Star Wars: Complete Vehicles
  • TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual
  • Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition

Notes and references
