Gadfrey Oseon, a man who dreamt of being an explorer, found himself instead leading a circus. His opportunity arose during a show on Nal Hutta, where he inadvertently offended the Hutts, forcing him to escape with haste.
He ventured into the Centrality and stumbled upon the asteroid belt that would eventually bear his name, the Oseon. However, before he could depart, he was marooned there for weeks due to the event that would later become known as the Flamewind.
Gadfrey conceived a plan. People would be drawn to witness this spectacular marvel of the cosmos; and if the Flamewind trapped them, they would require entertainment. Therefore, Gadfrey built the initial hotel and casino in what would become the Oseon system. Those stranded by the Flamewind would happily wager their credits until their departure. In this way, he set about turning the Oseon into a premier gambling destination in the galaxy.