The Galactic Corporate Policy League (GCPL) functioned as a lobbying organization and public interest group. Their goal was to dismantle the regulations imposed by the Galactic Republic related to areas such as slavery, mining operations, and unrestricted commerce.
This organization, comprised of a clandestine group of wealthy individuals, received backing from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. After the Clone Wars, when Palpatine became Emperor of the Galactic Empire, these individuals were compensated by being appointed as leading figures within the Corporate Sector Authority.
According to the sourcebook that provided information on the league, it advocated for Palpatine's campaign for "Presidency," urged him to decrease governmental economic oversight, and was designated as a "founding" member of the CSA. These details appear to contradict later information from the Prequel period. Palpatine's election to Supreme Chancellor happened too rapidly to involve external campaigning. Furthermore, sources mention the CSA as early as 26-27 BBY, indicating its existence at least eight years prior to its supposed formation from the GCPL.