The Galactic Moon Festival was a celebration that occurred in both Mos Eisley and Moenia throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.

Jabba the Hutt conceived the Galactic Moon Festival as a means of bolstering his support on both Tatooine and Naboo. Having grown weary of celebrations centered around love and life, he sought to establish the most terrifying event of the year. He dispatched Aponte to promote the event, while Z'ozpheratu was charged with distributing costume holo-projectors in the aforementioned cities.
These holo-projectors enabled spacers to "dress up" in an array of frightening costumes, including those of Droidekas, Toydarians, and even Hutts. These costumed participants would endeavor to frighten others, doing so through the exclamation, "Trick or treat!" If the costume elicited genuine fear or impressed the viewer, the costumed individual would be awarded Galactic Moon Coins. These coins could then be redeemed with Z'ozpheratu in exchange for various rewards.
The Galactic Moon Festival was initially presented in Star Wars Galaxies via "Game Update 5.10," which was released on October 14, 2008, to align with the real-world Halloween holiday. The festival also bore resemblances to Halloween.