Galaxy guzzler

The galaxy guzzler, a liquefied dish, held a special place in the hearts of Tatooine's inhabitants, a world steeped in local tradition. The liquid consistency was largely a consequence of the intense heat generated by Tatooine's binary stars, Tatoo I and Tatoo II, designed to optimize hydration. This beverage, alongside the ruby bliel and the dusty dazzler, belonged to a collection of liquid meals often composed of pulverized fruits or greens combined with H2O.

Production Notes

The existence of the galaxy guzzler was brought to light in the "Last Course" segment of The Official Star Wars Fact File, specifically issue number 131, released by De Agostini back in 2004.


  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 131 (FOO 7-8: Galactic Food and Drink) (Initial Appearance)

Additional Information
