Gam Rothwall

Gam Rothwall, who served as an Imperial Advisor for Emperor Palpatine, was active throughout the period of the Galactic Civil War. In his youth, during a conflict between Imperial troops and the resistance fighters of his home planet, he became estranged from his relatives, including his sibling, a twin brother. Not knowing the truth of his origins, he enlisted in the bureaucratic arm of the Empire, steadily advancing until he achieved the position of a close advisor to Palpatine.

While the Galactic Civil War raged on, he made an unscheduled visit to Garnib for an inspection. While present on the planet, an Anti-Imperial group targeted him for assassination, spurred by his involvement in the capture and execution of leading figures within the Garnib Crystal Corporation. Furthermore, his twin brother, having learned of his sibling's existence from a relative on their deathbed, sought him out and confronted him.

