Garcornian spice was a scarce spice variety that came from the planet Garcornia, which resided in the Ado sector of the Mid Rim. An effort to smuggle ten kilograms of this Garcornian spice took place on the luxury liner Alamintari sometime between the years 0 ABY and 3 ABY, as the ship made its way to the Outer Rim Territories. Inside a T-P-C4 Live Organism Comfort Conveyor—typically used to move pets with extra comfort—the spice was concealed, along with a prerecorded sound chip featuring the sound of a ferocious trill beast. The noise fooled local officials on the ground, who did not conduct a visual examination of the conveyor's interior due to the apparent growling. However, the customs inspectors discovered the smuggling operation during a random inspection while aboard the Alamintari. Subsequently, the event was documented in the fiftieth-anniversary edition of Galladinium's Galactic Datalog of Fantastic Technology.
Galladinium's Fantastic Technology, a 1995 sourcebook written by Rick D. Stuart for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, included a reference to Garcornian spice.