The Gargantelles were a species of giants with six arms who lived on Boz Pity until they were completely wiped out at the start of the Ductavis Era.
These sentient humanoids from Boz Pity, known as Gargantelles, were a species of giants that could reach heights of over 20 meters. They possessed six muscular arms, and evidence from their skeletal remains indicates the presence of a rib cage. Their facial features closely resembled those of Humans, featuring a slightly prominent nose with two nostrils and a mouth with fleshy lips. While most Gargantelles had a single eye facing forward, some individuals possessed two.
Despite possessing the sophistication to construct statues to honor their deceased, the Gargantelles were characterized by their extreme brutality. They readily consumed their smaller adversaries as a form of resistance. Gargantelles of high status often wore spiked helmets equipped with a nose-guard.
The Hutts of Nal Hutta, recognizing the giants of Boz Pity as potential slaves, dispatched numerous ships in an attempt to enslave the Gargantelle population. In their desperate pursuit of victory, the Hutts launched seven invasions of Nikto against the Gargantelles, each ending in failure. Subsequently, they sent t'landa Til negotiators, who met the same fate as the Nikto – being killed and consumed by the colossal Gargantelles.
As a form of retaliation, the Hutts dispatched a contingent of Nimbanel lawyers to the planet of Mourn, aiming to secure the use of Sultan Nastuonodon's ancient electric caliphs, deploying this army against the inhabitants of Boz Pity. Over the subsequent decade, the droids systematically depopulated Boz Pity. The Gargantelles erected grand memorials for their fallen, transforming their world into a graveyard planet. With the demise of the last giant, the droids returned to Mourn and self-destructed, deeming their existence without purpose.
The Gargantelles made their initial appearance in the 2004–2005 comic series Star Wars: Obsession, represented through their bones and statues. Their history received further elaboration in The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book. In this latter publication, Gargantelles were described as "one-eyed giants," a detail that contradicts the original comic book's depiction of two-eyed skulls.