
The GAT-12h "Skipray" blastboat belonged to the GAT Blastboat series, a line of vessels manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems.


The "Skipray" GAT-12h measured twenty-five meters in length and was classified as a Blastboat. It featured a Class 2 hyperdrive system along with a navigation computer that could only store four hyperspace jumps. This allowed the GAT-12h to reach a speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour within an atmosphere. Operation of the GAT-12h required a crew of four people: two to pilot the vessel and two gunners to operate the weapons.

The GAT-12h boasted a formidable arsenal. This included three medium Dar-2 ion cannons manufactured by Mendarn Arms, as well as two 5000x2 "Tru-Lok" laser cannons from Senko Systems mounted in a rotating turret. It also carried a proton torpedo launcher on its starboard side and a concussion missile launcher on its port side.


Of all the GAT Blastboat series models made by Sienar Fleet Systems, the GAT-12h "Skipray" was the most widely used, particularly within the forces of the Galactic Empire.

The initial GAT-12h Skipray Blastboats were produced before the Battle of Yavin. Due to financial constraints, the Imperial Navy did not acquire all of the produced units. Consequently, Sienar eventually sold the remaining blastboats on the open market, leading to their acquisition by mercenaries and various paramilitary organizations.

